How to Count Your Blessings

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Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Back by popular demand...

Okay, okay, it was just K Ry, but anyway... LOL

So lately I've been feeling a little off.  The headache has started again and I'm getting an eye twitch.  Those of you that have gone through the past few years with me (the years since my second divorce) know what this means.  Remember the eye twitch that started when I was dating Dream Guy?  It was an omen!  Look how that turned out... he got some other girl pregnant and ended up in jail for his little "drug incident."  The headache that started when I was dating Prince Charming?  Another omen.  I'm sure most of you are familiar with that fiasco, and if you're not, check out my blogs from August-October 2006.  (which, by the way, as of December, all charges were dismissed.)  These things have always been my body's way of saying "something is wrong and you need to do something about it."  Well, here's the problem: I can't imagine what could possibly be wrong right now.  I have a great job that I love.  I got a promotion in record time.  I am back in school to become something exciting and make use of some of this potential.  My kids are healthy and happy.  My boyfriend loves me so much and I trust him completely.  We've been living together for almost a year and our house is nice, we have cars that run, we have the stuff we want.  Sometimes money is tight but who's isn't?  I can usually afford to shop when I want and eat out when we want.  We have a good sex life.  We have fun together, we have a lot in common.  Our animals are healthy.  My mom is healthy and isn't meddling.  My brother has met a girl and she seems to be keeping him in line.  Things just seem pretty perfect right now and I'm really not sure why my head is killing me and my eye is twitching like mad.  Last spring my doctor prescribed Lexapro for my stress and to help with the headache I was having then (it was job-related) but I haven't been taking it for months.  I don't take any medication except my birth control ring.  I can never remember to take anything, so it doesn't do any good.  I drink only a two or three times a month.  I like the way I look (mostly, I wish the little "muffin top" would go away, but I dress so it's not noticeable).  I'm really just clueless as to what my body is trying to tell me right now.  And on top of that, if I don't have to work or the kids aren't here, I cannot get up the motivation to get out of bed anymore.  I just lie there thinking about how there's no reason to get up.  That's okay every once in a while, but every day?  When I don't work until 1pm, I don't get up until noon.  There are things I could be doing, but I can't force myself out of bed.  I'm not consciously dreading the day or anything, I just go back to sleep.  For example, it's 3:44 in the afternoon right now... the kids aren't home tonight... I didn't get up until almost two pm... I am about to go back to sleep until Mr. Wonderful gets home. 

Anyhow, maybe just typing out all the good things will help me "count my blessings" so to speak and my body will chill out with the headache and the eye twitch.  I'll let ya know. 

Next week we discuss the joys of retail management!