How to Find Your Prince Charming

July 31

My first BLOG! I'm a big girl now!

For those of you that don’t know, Dream Guy and I broke up.  He said he didn’t want kids, and that’s unfortunate, because I have a couple I’m pretty damn fond of.  I never really had him around Bug and Bean, because I don’t think I want to do that until I’ve been seeing someone for a while and we were still pretty new.  But anyway, karma and irony worked their wiley ways and he got a chick pregnant.  Like, that’s not just Alanis Morissette ironic… that’s actually really fucking ironic. 

So I went out tonight and sang in a karaoke contest, that was fun.  I won and get to sing in the final round next month!  I went by myself, but Dream Guy came for a little bit to watch and support me.  He’s been playing me for weeks, telling me this girl wasn’t really pregnant, he still loves me, blah, blah, blah, just trying to get back into bed with me (and it worked a few times).  But after I sang, he had to leave to go pick the pregnant girl up from work.  When he got up from the table I looked at him in all his sexy glory and I went all Love Actually in my head, the part where he walks away from Keira Knightly’s flat after showing her the cue cards, and he goes, “Enough.  Enough now.”  So I watched him leave, literally leaving me for her, and I told myself: I’m done.  That’s enough.  We’re through.  It’s sad, yeah, but I’ve already cried too much over him.

And there was this guy there who was also singing, but not in the contest, he had won a previous round… super talented, SO cute, although not my usual type.  All my boyfriends have been tall & skinny (let’s lie down on the therapist’s couch for a second… I think it stems from junior high when my first love was this huge dude on the defensive line for our football team – he used to slap me around… maybe I switched to skinny guys because I think I could take them in a fight?).  Anyway, this guy, he’s a little stockier, not super tall, but he’s got such a great smile and a gorgeous head of black hair.  So he comes over to me after Dream Guy has been gone for a while, and asks if my boyfriend left.  I’m like, “He’s not my boyfriend” and it was all a blur after that!  We exchanged numbers, I played darts with him & his friend, just had a great time!  He was so charming and funny!  I can’t wait to see where this goes!  I may have just met my Prince Charming!!

August 3

So Prince Charming and I have had the best few days!  I’ve learned so much about him.  He’s a songwriter, he lived in Nashville for several years and wrote songs for country artists.  He also played guitar part-time for Rascal Flatts back when they were Deuces Wild!  Isn’t that crazy?  He’s got great stories about playing in songwriters’ nights with other artists that have made it big.  He moved back here because his ex-wife was homesick for her family in Kansas.  He’s divorced now and has two daughters.  His youngest is the same age as Bug.  He was Special Forces in the Air Force, but got a medical discharge after breaking his back in a bad parachute landing in Iraq.  He used to do installation for the cable company, but he recently got hurt on the job, a pole broke while he was up on it or something, so now he’s doing scheduling for the same company.  We’ve been hanging out every night since we met.  He plays guitar and sings to me, which is SO incredibly romantic and sexy.  Anyway, I’m falling madly in love with him I’m pretty sure. 


Check back next week to see if this relationship goes anywhere!

Next post: How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days