Secrets to Remaining Calm in the Storm

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Saturday, March 17, 2007

my amazing family

So Bug says to me the other night that me, Mr. Wonderful, and dickhead are his "parents."
"Oh, and Tammy..." he said, "can't forget Tammy, she's the one who does everything at Daddy's house." 

Today I took the four of us to the mall so Bug could get some Heelies. He's been asking for them for a long time and they were hella expensive, but everyone else at school has them and I remember how important that was.  So he got them and promptly wanted to take the wheels out.  *argh*

Mr. Wonderful sent me a text a little while ago (I'm at work, BIG EFFEN SURPRISE) that said he and Bug are watching the basketball tourney together.  It amazes me daily how he has just absorbed these kids into his life.  A young man with no kids of his own shouldn't have to rearrange his life to make room for mine, but he has completely done so without hesitation.  He tries to help Bug feel more confident about trying things, he tries to get Bean to toughen up and not cry about everything.  He is such an amazing figure in their life, I am so blessed to have him.

Speaking of blessed, I am a really sensitive chick (*gasp* like you guys didn't know) and sometimes things really get to me.  My ex, asshole customers, the world in general... and Mr. Wonderful one night tried to encourage me to let things roll off my back.  To stop taking them so personally.  Dickhead just wants to hurt my feelings.  Customers don't know me, so how could they possibly mean what they say to me?  The world isn't fair, but we're going to make things better for our little corner of it.  He told me to just let the words and pain roll of my back, like a duck.  "Be a duck."  I was so upset that night and he really helped me calm down. 
Wednesday, April 04, 2007

bad things come in threes???

So last week my grandma died.  She was a super cool lady.  I knew her better when I was younger, and we kind of lost touch in my adult life.  Regretful.  I talked to her two weeks ago for several hours.  We always shared views on life, politics, our family, etc.  We got along well and she was happy that I had found someone who is good to me.  She asked if I was going to marry Mr. Wonderful and I answered, "If I'm lucky."  She thought he'd be the lucky one.  She asked if he was good looking and if he was nice to me and the kids.  She always told me that she'd kill Dickhead for me if I wanted her to because she was an old lady and didn't have long to wait if she served life in prison.  She lived with a woman she'd been with her entire adult life.  It was a sudden thing, she had been given a clean bill of health less than a year ago and the heart attack was something none of us expected.  She told me during our conversation how much she hated getting old, though.  And her mother had a series of strokes in her old age and Tote (my grandma) always said she didn't want to go that way.  Unable to take care of herself.  At least she went quickly, the way she wanted.  It was just damn insensitive of her not to make sure the rest of us were ready.  (haha)

Today I got into a car wreck.  I was driving along, minding my OWN DAMN BINNESS when someone pulled out, obviously didn't see me, and smashed into my passenger side door.  I was late for work and now I don't know what I'm supposed to do, I don't get into accidents.  My car is sitting on the side of the road, I'm at work, I don't know if my insurance is supposed to cover this or if his insurance is supposed to do anything... who do I call?  I called my own insurance company.  That was probably wrong, as I generally do everything wrong.  They are towing my car to a body shop and I have to get a rental.  It's just a mess.

So now I'm left to wonder what terrible thing might be the third to my trilogy of bad things... Hopefully I'll just break a nail or something.  That would be terrible.

Next week I might miss a big red flag.

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