Weekend Family Quality Time Ideas

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Monday, May 14

Weekend Recap

This weekend went too fast, and I even had three days!  Friday I stayed home and hung pictures and had a cable outlet installed in Bug's room.  Friday night I got my hair done (dark brown with platinum highlights, really cute) and Mr. Wonderful and Bug went to the lake to camp out.  Me and Bean stayed home and watched a movie and went to bed.  We got up Saturday and went to the lake and I got burnt like a crispy critter, but I can't blame it on Karen's Goddess crap this year, haha.  And only on the front of my legs and my arms, and mostly on the left side.  Owie, I am miserable.  Anyway, we left the lake in the afternoon.  Bug had a good time, but Mr. W yelled at him a lot for not paying attention to what he was doing.  Bug has never had anyone doing this kind of stuff with him before, though, and I think Mr. W is expecting a little too much.  Anyway, the kids got baths and we went over to Granny's.  Bug had to MAKE a chameleon for an animal book talk this week and Dickhead told me about it FRIDAY and he said "you'll have to do it because we're busy on Sunday."  ARGH.  So we made it out of Play-Dough but it started cracking as it dried.  So Mr. W and I had to go get something to seal it or lacquer it together.  Keep in mind, I'm BAKED like a CAKE and I've been sweating and I'm byotchy because SOMEONE made me go FISHING ALL DAY.  Anyway, we go to wal-mart, get some crap and get my mom a Mr. Turtle sand box for Mother's day.  (She wanted it to plant flowers in and while we were out I also got a $50 gift card for Lowe's so she can fill him up, I'm such a good daughter.)  We go back to mom's, lacquer the lizard and take him to my house so we can put some more coats on him.  He looked amazing, by the way.  We get home, left the kids with Granny, it's after nine, I'm exhausted.  We were going to do dinner and a movie since Karen cancelled on me, but there was no chance.  We take a shower and crash.  Sunday morning, we got up and Dickhead calls and goes "Oh, did you want to keep the kids today, I forgot it's Mother's Day."  (translation: we didn't have "plans" I just didn't want to make the lizard and I really don't care if they come back or not, you can keep them)  We went to mom's, I gave her the gifts… it was funny, I gave her a little plant and stuck the gift card in it and left Mr Turtle outside.  She didn't see the gift card!  I had to call her attention to it.  She looked at it and was like "Oh, wow!" and I said, "I thought maybe you could use it to get some stuff for out here…" and pointed outside at Mr Turtle.  She was excited.  Anyway, so Mr. Wonderful’s mom's family was going to his cousin's graduation and Mr. W had told me earlier in the week that I didn't have to go if I didn't want to, but he'd be mad if I didn't because he wanted me to meet the family.  Okay, at least he's honest.  So after Dickhead said I could keep the kids, they were going to go, too.  We all got dressed up and went to Eureka Kansas.  The kids were good, we had fun, his family was really nice.  We came back into town and dropped the kids off at Dickhead’s.  Had to get the chameleon from my house and take it back to Andover.  Then Mr. Wonderful cut the low hanging limbs off the trees in the front yard and I cleaned the house (I even did the dishes if you can imagine that).  We watched "The Illusionist" (pretty good movie, if a bit predictable) and went to bed.  Slept like crap, both of us, and we can't figure out why.  I am ready to walk out of this stupid call center, but I got an e-mail from the recruiter lady here at my employer and I might be able to get a part-time receptionist position.  Which would be AWESOME considering I'm going to be going to school full time.  Whee!  Anyway… that's my whole weekend.

Next week my headaches and insomnia are back in full force.