Ways to Conquer Car Trouble

Read last week's installment here.
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Tuesday, May 15

dead car

So Mr. Wonderful’s car died today.  It has been stalling, or acting like it wanted to stall, a lot over the last few months, but he never did anything about it.  Now today it stalled and won't start back up again.  So we're trying to find a car that we can afford that will be dependable enough to last us a while and get back and forth to Andover when we need to, and efficient enough so that we can afford to put gas in it, too at THREE FRIGGIN DOLLARS A GALLON.  With the bankruptcy and all, I can't finance a loan myself, so MOMMY TO THE RESCUE, she's going to put her name on it and I'll pay the payments and insure the dang thing.  Of course, for those of you that follow my life, this might mean that I can't quit this GODFORSAKEN JOB I'm in right now unless we really cut down on the entertainment expenses.  Hell, I don't know.  Maybe we could just get the car fixed.  But it doesn't have A/C in it and (in my best whiny voice) it gets really hot in Kansas!  Anyway, I guess I'll let you know how it pans out, mom and I are going to buy on Friday.

Wednesday, May 16

so fukkin tired

We hit a few car lots last night.  Saw some promising cars.  Now it comes down to me and mom going around Friday and finding a good payment on something.  I developed a MASSIVE headache while we were out.  When we got home I took a Lortab and a Zanaflex and passed out.  I had hoped the meds would help me sleep, but I woke up at 1:59 am, 4:30 am, and again at 6:00 am.  The alarm wasn't set and I knew this, so I couldn't fall back to sleep after that.  And I am so exhausted right now.  I still had a headache when I woke up.  It's kind of dissipated now, but I still wish I was back in bed. 

And I still hate this effen job.  People yelling me about crap I can't fix.  People changing their minds about how the job is supposed to be done.  Everyone's interpretation is different and so half the time I'm doing it right and the other half I'm doing it wrong.  I can't afford to quit yet, but I have to do something.  The next schedule is not going to be good and I'll never be able to take all my classes.  I am feeling very overwhelmed today.  Here we are trying to buy a new car and I'm hating this job more as every minute goes by.  If I had any balls I'd walk out right now and never look back, but now that I'm out of the military I will need this as a reference.  Ugh.  I'm just so damn tired.  I'm cranky. 

Tonight I'm taking the family out to dinner for my mom's birthday.  We're going to a steakhouse.  Yummy fooooooood.  Donny's going too I think.  Fun family dinner, gotta love that. 

I'm going to sit here and wallow in my misery.  My lunch isn't until one and it's only 11:11.  My eyes are so heavy, I need a nap in the worst way.  WAAAAAAAAAAH, I'M WHINING!!!!!!

Next week we go car shopping!