Tips for Surviving Car-Buying

Read last week's installment here.
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Monday, May 21

Okay, so this weekend was really fun.  I went Friday and looked at cars... BIG bust.  You know anyone that knew the car was for me wouldn't let my mom finance it without me on the loan?  I can't be on a loan because of the bankruptcy, but they told mom she couldn't buy a car for someone else.  That was the second place we went that said that.  The first place had an older Cavy for us, but Mr. Wonderful wasn't too thrilled about it.  We only wanted a $150 payment so we were looking at the lower end of the used car chain.  The second place wouldn't finance her without me.  The third place we didn't tell them it was for me and they got an older Saturn for us, but Mr. W wasn't too keen on it either.  By this time my head hurts so bad it is going to explode so I took mom and Bean home and Bean and I laid down for a nap.  Mr. Wonderful figured he'd try it on his own with his new job and recently paid off collections accounts.  We went to Newton and they had a silver Cobalt that Mr. W liked a lot.  Now did I say $150?  Mr. Wonderful tells me after we get out there that we could afford $175 if it gets good gas mileage.  Well, a Cobalt is the new Cavalier which has always been a good car and has mom's seal of approval and it gets good gas mileage.  Well they say $262.  We get up to leave and they call us back and they're like "what about 230?"  So Mr. W’s like, "I really like it" and I'm like "Okay, you're so cute" and so we get it.  Add in the GAP insurance, which we KNOW we need, right?  After the Mazda incident.  Anyway, payment goes up to $240, NINETY FRIKKIN DOLLARS more than the agreed monthly payment of $150.  Oh well, Mr. Wonderful’s never had a new car.  And he really likes it.  We'll make it work, I guess.  Insurance is cheap.  Whee!

So Friday night after the car-buying festivities, Karen and I went to dinner at Friday's.  I had some Electric Lemonade and got a good buzz going, which I can hardly ever do anymore.  I didn't like my dinner, but they didn't charge me for it, so that was nice.  Came home, passed out.  Good start to the weekend.

Next week, the fun continues with a little skinny dipping.