What You Need to Do Before You Move

Read last week's installment here.
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Thursday, April 12

Moving! Free clothes!!

So we took the application down to the old couple that own the rental house.  We took the kids, because, you know, they're cute and everyone loves them.  Well it worked, she just glanced at the paper and stared at Bean and said we could have the keys as soon as they get the carpet cleaned.  Whee!  I am so excited.  I can't wait to start moving stuff in and decorating it with Mr. Wonderful!  The bedroom is going to be a little smaller than what we have now, so I'll have to get rid of some clothes *gasp* so we can use the same dresser.  So if any of you chicas want some clothes, let me know, and I'll hook a sista up.  I can't even tell you how excited I am.  It's insane.  I finally feel like I'm doing something RIGHT.  Imagine that, ME doing something RIGHT??????

Monday, April 16

nuttin really

My amazing, wonderful, perfect boyfriend is sick today.  And he's been very complacent about the move.  It's giving me an attention and passion deficiency.  I'll need to let him know that he's slacking.  But I'll wait until he's feeling better.  I'm just getting over a cold myself, so I know how miserable those first few days can be.  I just feel like if I can spit out the last of this PHLEGM I'd be alright. 

My hair got fixed Friday.  She took out the dark spot and redid the red.  The red is RED.  And it's a little uneven, but it's blending nicely.  It'll probably fade out, as reds tend to do.  Eventually I'll just have her take out the red and I'll just stay blonde/brown.  Then I can do the tips whatever color I want.  Whee!

Okay, I should get back on the phones and answer more calls from frustrated people that can't work their TVs/computers/telephones properly.

Check back next week when I have a bit of an epiphany.