When You Know You’re Being a Total Bitch

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Tuesday, April 17

i must be in the "reeeer" queue
Current mood:   cranky

You have to imagine me doing the whole "kitty cat" facial and claw expressions along with the "reeeer."  Everyone is in a bitchy mood today.  Myself included. 

I'm pissed off at the wonderful, amazing, perfect boyfriend.  This whole complacency thing is getting to me and I feel like I haven't seen him in a week.  He didn't sit near me while we were watching TV last night, he didn't touch me at all over night.  I know he's uncomfortable with being sick and all but JEEZ, you could at least act like I'm there.  I'm just being bitchy, I know.  I need to pin his ass down and be like "PAY ATTENTION TO ME GADDEMMIT!  ACT LIKE I FUCKING MATTER!"  It's like living with a roommate, I swear.  I know better than that, I mean I KNOW he loves me and all that warm fuzzy stuff, but I just need to SEE it a little more.  I'm so needy, it's no wonder men run screaming from relationships with me. 

Aaaaaand on that note of self-realization, I should go.  That's enough for one day!

Check back next week when me & a refrigerator go one painful round..